
VibeCatch offers thr easiest job satisfaction poll. Yearly polls are always out of date. VibeCatch's fast and frequent automated pulse polls continuously keep track of your team's job satisfaction. We can go from simple "how was your week" polls to deep analysis and are able to replace traditional once per year survey with a real-time solution offering management visibility to how the organization is doing right now. This prevents people from leaving the company due to dissatisfaction as well as helps to spot other problems before they become real issues.

VibeCatch offers thr easiest job satisfaction poll. Yearly polls are always out of date. VibeCatch's fast and frequent automated pulse polls continuously keep track of your team's job satisfaction. We can go from simple "how was your week" polls to deep analysis and are able to replace traditional once per year survey with a real-time solution offering management visibility to how the organization is doing right now. This prevents people from leaving the company due to dissatisfaction as well as helps to spot other problems before they become real issues.

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  • Human Resources
  • Business Stage

  • Start-up