Kantega AS

Kantega is a fast-growing employee-owned IT consultancy with ~200 MNOK in turnover and 170 employees. Notable customers are Vipps, Sparebank1, Norwegian BankID and the Norwegian Fishing Authority. The company has strong technical knowledge in identity management, IT security and UX and has incubated successful SaaS providers Signicat, Fixrate and Kantega SSO.

Kantega is a fast-growing employee-owned IT consultancy with ~200 MNOK in turnover and 170 employees. Notable customers are Vipps, Sparebank1, Norwegian BankID and the Norwegian Fishing Authority. The company has strong technical knowledge in identity management, IT security and UX and has incubated successful SaaS providers Signicat, Fixrate and Kantega SSO.

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    Business Stage

  • Established