Press2Get - P-Ton AG

The multi-billion-dollar wearables industry

The wearables industry is growing rapidly, and it’s expected to continue growing exponentially in the foreseen future.

2GuardU is the flagship product of P‑ton venture Press2Get. They are wearables and buttons that can be worn or placed in any location and connected to the 2GuardU application. By pressing on the wearable / button, a message with vital information is automatically transmitted to a designated list of emergency contacts. 2GuardU is based on an IoT platform combined with beacon buttons developed by Press2Get.

The multi-billion-dollar wearables industry

The wearables industry is growing rapidly, and it’s expected to continue growing exponentially in the foreseen future.

2GuardU is the flagship product of P‑ton venture Press2Get. They are wearables and buttons that can be worn or placed in any location and connected to the 2GuardU application. By pressing on the wearable / button, a message with vital information is automatically transmitted to a designated list of emergency contacts. 2GuardU is based on an IoT platform combined with beacon buttons developed by Press2Get.

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  • Individual and Family Services
  • Business Stage

  • Start-up