Quva Oy

Quva Oy is an industrial big data integration and analytics company focusing on heavy industries such as pulp, paper, and steel manufacturing. We help our customers to develop their business through utilization of all the data they are collecting. With our Quva Flow SaaS our customers can know better the past, present, and future of their operations. Our service is used for e.g. predictive quality control, predictive maintenance, and optimization of production process.

Quva Oy is an industrial big data integration and analytics company focusing on heavy industries such as pulp, paper, and steel manufacturing. We help our customers to develop their business through utilization of all the data they are collecting. With our Quva Flow SaaS our customers can know better the past, present, and future of their operations. Our service is used for e.g. predictive quality control, predictive maintenance, and optimization of production process.

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  • Information Technology and Services
  • Business Stage

  • Start-up