IIST - protein purification and ligation

The IIST (Ion-Inducible Self-Cleavage Tag) –project is based on novel inteins, self-excising protein segments that have potential to be used for purification, modification and production of peptides and biologics which is a billion dollar international business. The technology, developed at the University of Helsinki, could be used for preclinical research as well as industrial scale production of for example peptide drugs.

The IIST (Ion-Inducible Self-Cleavage Tag) –project is based on novel inteins, self-excising protein segments that have potential to be used for purification, modification and production of peptides and biologics which is a billion dollar international business. The technology, developed at the University of Helsinki, could be used for preclinical research as well as industrial scale production of for example peptide drugs.

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  • Biotechnology
  • Business Stage

  • Concept