Heltti Oy

Heltti Oy is a modern provider of occupational health care and wellbeing services. Established in 2013, we have introduced a new fixed-fee business model to the industry, encouraging us to concentrate, in addition to actual health care, in preventive health and wellbeing services. We are early adopters of new digital technologies, and currently more than 2/3 of our services are digital or telemedicine.

Heltti has 200 continuous customers with 3,500 employees using our services. Our team consists of 20 health care professionals.

Heltti Oy is a modern provider of occupational health care and wellbeing services. Established in 2013, we have introduced a new fixed-fee business model to the industry, encouraging us to concentrate, in addition to actual health care, in preventive health and wellbeing services. We are early adopters of new digital technologies, and currently more than 2/3 of our services are digital or telemedicine.

Heltti has 200 continuous customers with 3,500 employees using our services. Our team consists of 20 health care professionals.

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  • Health Wellness and Fitness
  • Business Stage

  • Growth