Ansio Global Goods Oy /

I am developing a marketplace platform for businesses and nonprofits to meet for fundraising. Initial beta launch is planned for spring of 2017 in the U.S. where nonprofits account for 4% of the GDP. The platform has been developed with help of a €50,000 ELY/EU internationalization grant and is in a MVP stage at present. We are gathering test user input, social media attention, and working on a contact database for the launch.
I have been developing the concept for five years, and I draw my motivation from my personal experience as a retail entrepreneur in the U.S. frequently donating goods and money to nonprofits. I also saw the other side of the equation volunteering on several nonprofit boards and fundraising committees. The need for this platform is demonstrated and validated in several interviews and focus groups. It will significantly simplify the annual fundraising process, and allow for more mutually beneficial and strategic cause-marketing relationships between nonprofits and businesses.
Presently, I am working on the project more or less alone, with some strategic help from a long-time friend in the U.S., also a business owner and a nonprofit board member. I also have a part-time business developer/marketing person working for us in the Boston area.

I am developing a marketplace platform for businesses and nonprofits to meet for fundraising. Initial beta launch is planned for spring of 2017 in the U.S. where nonprofits account for 4% of the GDP. The platform has been developed with help of a €50,000 ELY/EU internationalization grant and is in a MVP stage at present. We are gathering test user input, social media attention, and working on a contact database for the launch.
I have been developing the concept for five years, and I draw my motivation from my personal experience as a retail entrepreneur in the U.S. frequently donating goods and money to nonprofits. I also saw the other side of the equation volunteering on several nonprofit boards and fundraising committees. The need for this platform is demonstrated and validated in several interviews and focus groups. It will significantly simplify the annual fundraising process, and allow for more mutually beneficial and strategic cause-marketing relationships between nonprofits and businesses.
Presently, I am working on the project more or less alone, with some strategic help from a long-time friend in the U.S., also a business owner and a nonprofit board member. I also have a part-time business developer/marketing person working for us in the Boston area.

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  • Internet
  • Business Stage

  • Start-up